Tuesday 26 July 2016


There are a lot of things changing at the moment, not just where we live, though that is a big one. We have changed States and houses, consolidating two places into one. We have become a household of three most of the time instead of less than half the time. Johanna and I will be travelling (every third week Monday to Friday in Tassie so Johanna can attend school) and Colin will be staying at home. He will live and work in the same State and his commute will be by car or train not plane and will be most days rather than Monday and Thursday. Johanna will complete a lot of her schooling independently with support from her teachers and plans to work as much as possible as she saves for her gap year next year. I will no longer have the same caring role for my father. The rhythm of our lives these past few years has come to an abrupt end and we are tentatively finding our way with all these changes. For each of us 'life' has taken a major turn and we are navigating the unknown. It is exciting, exhausting and occasionally overwhelming...

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